
New College FAQs

New College FAQs

Q1: Why do we need a New College when both the University Scholars Programme and Yale-NUS College are such outstanding offerings?

A1: Our work with Yale-NUS College has contributed to a reimagining of undergraduate education at NUS. Both NUS and Yale are proud of Yale-NUS College’s achievements. NUS sees the evolution of the University Scholars Programme and Yale-NUS College into the New College as a step that furthers the mission of interdisciplinary liberal arts education.

NUS envisions a bigger role for liberal arts education at the University and believes the New College, which builds on the strength of both the University Scholars Programme and Yale-NUS College, will offer students the opportunity to benefit from an immersive, interdisciplinary liberal arts education with a residential component.

There will be broader and more specialised offerings through a deeper integration with NUS. It will continue to attract top students locally and internationally.

Q2: What is new and different about the New College?

A2: The New College builds on the success and strong legacy of the Yale-NUS partnership, and brings together the most distinctive and successful elements of both the University Scholars Programme and Yale-NUS College. It will offer a new educational experience and deliver an outstanding interdisciplinary liberal arts education more accessibly, and at greater scale.

The New College will feature all the hallmarks of the revamped NUS education framework: a common curriculum, greater flexibility, an interdisciplinary approach and lifelong learning. These are part of NUS’ vision to produce graduates who are innovative problem solvers – flexible and adept at connecting dots across diverse disciplines. Details of the New College will be developed by the Planning Committee and will be shared when ready.

Q3: Why is this development being announced now?

A3: 2025 is a review milestone under the agreement between NUS and Yale University in relation to the establishment and operation of the Yale-NUS College. We are making this announcement now to ensure that our final cohort of students who matriculated in Academic Year 2021/22 will be able to complete the full cycle of their undergraduate education and graduate from Yale-NUS in 2025.

Q4: Will students be able to pursue a liberal arts education in NUS after 2025?

A4: Yes, this is the purpose and goal of the New College. We envision the New College to embrace the most successful elements of the University Scholars Programme and Yale-NUS College in delivering interdisciplinary liberal arts education through an immersive, residential environment that seeks to develop the student holistically.

Q5: What is Yale’s relationship and future involvement with NUS and the New College?

A5: NUS and Yale have enjoyed a strong and deep friendship since 2001. Our successful decade-long partnership in pioneering liberal arts education in Singapore and Asia has drawn both universities even closer. Both Yale and NUS are extremely proud of what Yale-NUS College has achieved in the past 10 years. NUS believes Yale-NUS College is now ready to evolve into something bigger and broader by merging with the University Scholars Programme, another highly successful interdisciplinary programme.

Yale supports NUS’ ambitions to broaden access to interdisciplinary liberal arts education through multiple pathways and specialisations, and has encouraged NUS to preserve the best qualities of Yale-NUS within the New College. Yale will be represented on the New College Planning Committee which will work on the development of the New College and will also play an advisory role in the New College as a pioneering member of its international advisory panel.

There will be many opportunities for collaborative programmes between Yale and NUS.

Q6: How long more will Yale-NUS College continue to operate?

A6: Yale-NUS will continue to operate with its current structure until 2025. The Yale-NUS Governing Board will retain all its responsibilities as steward of the College through 2025.

Yale-NUS will continue to provide all students the full educational experience through graduation for the Class of 2025. This allows in-flight students at Yale-NUS to complete their studies, and for the first-year students to have their full education at Yale-NUS.

All students will receive the Yale-NUS degree awarded by NUS at graduation. Students who matriculated in Academic Year 2021/22 will also be eligible for the Yale-NUS degree awarded by NUS even if they graduate beyond 2025 for reasons such as leave of absence or the requirements of a double degree programme that takes more than four years.

Q7: If I have more questions, who can I reach out to?

A7: Please send us your questions at: NewCollege@nus.edu.sg.

More frequently asked questions can be found at the Yale-NUS website and USP website.