
Team led by Professor Dean Ho takes home double honours from the Institution of Engineers, Singapore

A 15-member team led by Professor Dean Ho, Head of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the College of Design and Engineering (CDE) , has received two awards from the Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES), the IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award and the ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award. Prof Ho is also Director of the Institute for Digital Medicine (WisDM) at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and the N.1 Institute for Health at CDE.

The team, which includes members from the National University Hospital, DSO National Laboratories, and National Centre for Infectious Diseases collaborated to validate IDentif.AI, an AI-based platform that rapidly prioritises drugs and drug combinations for pandemic preparedness. It has since been validated in different variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, as well as used in tackling antimicrobial resistance. For their efforts, they were awarded the IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award and the ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award.

These awards recognise outstanding engineering achievements that have made significant contributions to engineering progress and quality of life in Singapore and ASEAN.

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